Pet Emergencies
Find treatment fast.
At Moosehead Trail Veterinary Hospital, we are equipped to see certain veterinary emergencies during our regular hours for current patients. Please call us at (207) 368-4076 prior to your arrival so that we may prepare for you and your pet.
If your pet is not a current patient, experiences an after-hours emergency, requires an overnight observation, or we determine they require a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital.
In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact:
Eastern Maine Emergency Veterinary
15 Dirigo Dr, Brewer, ME 04412
P: (207) 989-6267
Midcoast Animal Emergency Clinic
191 Camden Rd, Warren, ME 04864
P: (207) 273-1100
Portland Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Care
739 Warren Ave, Portland, ME 04103
P: (207) 878-3121
Maine Veterinary Medical Center
1500 Technology Way, Scarborough, ME 04074
P: (207) 885-1290